Bridge between Japanese Talent and Canadian Businesses

Logos for JinzaiCanada and VisaJPCanada

Facts About Our Service

Jinzaicanada was originally founded in 2006, aiming to boost local businesses in Canada by matching them with Japanese talents.

In 2006

Since its founding in 2006, as one of the most historical recruitment sites, we have connected many excellent Japanese and business based in Canada. It is our desire to support Canadian business from the site of recruitment.

60,000+ PV/mo

Our website gets 60000+ PV with 7000+ active users each month and is constantly growing our market reach through multiple channels. We have a wide reach to 1300 fans on FB, Twitter, and Email campaigns.

Job Advertising

Free Job Posting

You can post your job posting for FREE for 30 days. You can edit our delete your posting as you need.

Job Posting “Ad Plus”

If you want to reach more candidates quickly and effectively, our “Ad Plus” service is for you. Just let us know which job posting you would like to have promoted from inquiry form below. Our admin staff will reach you for the next step.

Advertising Fee

Free Job PostingAd Plus
FeaturingFeatured on Top page and Job list page
Posting Duration1 month3 months +
SNSTwitter (One time only)Repeating posting on Twitter, Facebook
ReferringOur Visa Consultation Division “Visa JP Canada” will mention about your ad to possible candidate.

Featured Company on

Would you like more peaple to know more about your company?

Featured Company Page will be in Japanese language. So it will be great opportunity for you to reach out to Japan market. This semi-customized design page will introduce your company in a simple but attractive way!

Featured Company Page
FeatureHave your company’s image on Top
ContentOne semi-customized designed page exclusive to your company
Duration3 months +
SNSRepeating posting on Twitter, Facebook
ReferringOur Visa Consultation Division “Visa JP Canada” will mention about your ad to possible candidate.