
Langley:FT/PT Kitchen Helper Hiring

Visa Chance:

Akedo Showten Enterprises Ltd.

掲載日: 2025/02/17 掲載期限: 2025/03/19
Langley:FT/PT Kitchen Helper Hiring - Akedo Showten Enterprises Ltd. Title image
エリア Vancouver Area, BC
ポジション Restaurant / Food (飲食 / フード)
Cook / Chef(クック / シェフ / 調理師)
時給 $17.40 〜 $19 ※Share tip, vacation pay


Job Description

‐Assisting with ramen preparation, plating
‐Preparing ingredients and prepping for cooking
‐Cleaning and organizing the kitchen
‐General kitchen duties (as in any typical restaurant)

Employment Type

- Part-Time (PT): Approximately 5 hours per day, 3 or more days per week
- Full-Time (FT): Approximately 7 hours per day, 5 days per week

Working Hours

- Part-Time (PT): Up to 20 hours per week
- Full-Time (FT): 35–40 hours per week(include weekends)
Shifts can be discussed and adjusted based on availability.


‐Interested in a local working environment
‐Able to work positively in a busy setting
‐Excellent communication skills in English
- Food Safe Level 1 certification is preferred (not required)


unit102, 20218 Fraser Highway
Vancouver Area, BC


Please send your resume to akedoshowtenstaff@gmail.com
We will contact you to arrange an interview.
We look forward to your application! Join us and help create a fun workplace!




Available time slot for the interview
Sunday - Friday, 14:30 - 16:30